Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Facebook”
LouderVoice Launches Dedicated Social Reviews for Facebook
As the first company to do Social Reviews on Twitter, way back in 2007, we have finally given in to all the (many!) demands for a Facebook-only solution.
All of our Packages have had a powerful Facebook component since 2009 but this Package enables small businesses, who may not even have their own web-site, to show and solicit customer reviews on their Facebook Page.
Many of the businesses who have contacted us had previously used the old built-in Facebook reviews App. Whilst it was pretty awful, it worked, and they miss it! So we love being the company to put a smile back on their faces.
LouderVoice Reviews on Facebook Pages
We have just added a new Facebook capability for all of our customers. They can now show all their latest reviews in a dedicated “Our Reviews” tab on their Facebook Page. Whilst our Facebook Connect implementation has always given reviewers the ability to post their reviews to their personal wall, this new feature enables our clients to showcase their reviews from all their products and services in one place.
Now a simple review written on a client’s site or submitted by SMS can appear on their Facebook Page within minutes, building confidence and guiding others who want to know more about that business. Fundamentally it’s about selling by word of mouth.
Love Facebook? Love LouderVoice?
Then why not become a fan of LouderVoice over on Facebook. We’re thinking of calling it LouderFace 🙂

You’ll get all our latest updates (but not too many!) and you can tell us what you think of each new release.
LouderVoice at Facebook Garage Ireland 2
We had a fantastic time at the second Irish Facebook Garage in Dublin on Thursday. A packed room of approx 150 people with a wide range of backgrounds heard 5 speakers cover a variety of topics over the space of 2.5 hours.
There will be full coverage including video and all the PPTs available over on Web2Ireland at some point next week. In the meantime, here are some screenshots of Conor’s live demo of the LouderVoice reviews widget + Facebook Connect in action. This widget will be formally launched in the next week or so.