New features help you to connect better with your customers using reviews

By Catherine O'Neill | March 27, 2013

Sometimes it’s the simple features which provide the most value and that’s definitely the case with two of our most recent updates.

Extra Questions

Clients now have the ability to ask up to 5 extra optional questions from reviewers. This is not intended as a replacement for questionnaires or surveys but is more for extra context. For example, some of our hotel clients use it to ask for the room number. But feel free to use the feature in whatever way makes sense for your business. We’d love to hear what you come up with!


Reply to Reviews

We all know that it’s hard to publish negative reviews, particularly when they are on your own site. But it’s critical to do this to build and keep trust. You can now mitigate the impact of any negative reviews by displaying your response under a review. The response can be an apology, an explanation or, in the case of positive reviews, a simple thank you. Those replies appear on the reviews in Facebook too.


Some recent LouderVoice clients

Every time we think we have all verticals and niches covered, our partners find new ones for us 🙂 Keep it up, we love seeing reviews working around the globe in every sector! Here is just a small sample of some recent client sites now using LouderVoice Reviews to give you a sense of the sectoral diversity.

Secuvita, Spain

Umbilical cord blood bank


Renewal by Andersen, USA

Replacement windows in Long Island


La Tête Dans Les Nuages, France

Indoor Play area in Paris


Eurocentres, Switzerland

Worldwide Language Schools


What2Buy4Kids, UK

Interesting and unique toys for children


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