Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Irish Web Awards”
LouderVoice a finalist in the Irish Web Awards
Who doesn’t love being nominated for an award, particularly when it’s in the innovation category? We’re in the final 5 of the Irish Web Awards Most Innovative Website and we’re smugger than the smuggest company in Smugtown.
The awards are on this Saturday in the Mansion House. Go now to the list of finalists in all categories and don’t just read the list, click through on all the ones you don’t know.
Irish Web Awards Nominations Open
Lots of categories, so head on over and nominate your favourite sites. Voting closes this Friday.
LouderVoice short-listed for Irish Web Awards
If we were excited to be on the long-list, we’re utterly gobsmacked to be shortlisted for best new Web Application/Service in the Irish Web Awards. It’s not just that we’re in the shortlist, look at the awesome apps we are in with:
- Bookmeetingroom – I only wrote about this great app recently on Web2Ireland
- PollDaddy – I use this ALL the time. One of my fave webapps ever.ÂÂ
- Twitterfone – Not just dead useful, one of the most beautiful web-site designs of 2008.
- Decisions for Heroes – Read this. That’s them that is. Utter brilliance.
LouderVoice long-listed in the Irish Web Awards
This is the inaugural year for the Irish Web Awards and we’re giddier than the giddiest people in Giddytown to be in the long-list for Best New Web Application/Service.

It’s one hell of a set of webapps there and we’re humbled to be in with them.