LouderVoice Reviews on Fitzgerald Group Hotels
By Conor O’Neill
We’ve spent the past few months in LouderVoice creating Version 2 of our review widget and have been quietly rolling it out on sites since early August. In our humble opinion, it is the best widget-based reviews solution on the market globally. Not only can it be implemented on most sites in under 10 minutes, it is also fully Facebook and Twitter enabled and can be easily styled to blend seamlessly into your site
We recently began working with Hotel Consult in Cork and the first fruits of that relationship are already here. The Fitzgerald Group of hotels have just begun rolling the widget out on their web-sites. First up is The Arlington Hotel at O’Connell Bridge and they will be joined this week by The Arlington Temple Bar and The Louis Fitzgerald Hotel.

There are many reasons for hotels to use our solution and the Fitzgerald Group grasped that instantly. Some of the top reasons are:
- Customer feedback directly on the site so the hotels can respond immediately to problems
- Customer reviews visible on the site, informing potential new guests
- Reviews driving on-site room sales for improved margin
- Reviews posted to Twitter and Facebook so that satisfied guests can promote the hotels to their friends
- Reviews posted to loudervoice.com, driving up SEO for the hotels
Very nice piece on the launch from Ian Green.
We will have several more announcements in the hospitality area this week, and our new business site, so stay tuned!