Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “LouderVoice”
Updated Privacy Policy and Consent
We have updated our privacy policy to include GDPR provisions. This includes information on how to request that your personal information be deleted from our systems.
In addition, anyone submitting reviews using our solution on our clients’ sites must now actively provide their consent that their name and email address can be shared with LouderVoice.
New features help you to connect better with your customers using reviews
Sometimes it’s the simple features which provide the most value and that’s definitely the case with two of our most recent updates.
Extra Questions
Clients now have the ability to ask up to 5 extra optional questions from reviewers. This is not intended as a replacement for questionnaires or surveys but is more for extra context. For example, some of our hotel clients use it to ask for the room number. But feel free to use the feature in whatever way makes sense for your business. We’d love to hear what you come up with!
Generating Trust Thousands of Miles Away in Cairo with LouderVoice Reviews
The first thing I do when I land on a site I haven’t used before is to check their reviews. Good or bad, I want to see that it is a company which values feedback and is actively providing services or products.
We were really excited recently to sign-up Floradoor in Cairo as our first African client. This high-end florist delivers flowers locally for a global customer base and it has been a joy to read their reviews.
French restaurant delights with live LouderVoice customer reviews on iPad
We always strongly encourage our clients to request reviews using every channel available to them, particularly if the bulk of their business is not online. This can be done using receipts, invoices, compliment slips, phone calls or, in the case of our latest restaurant client in France, using an iPad!
This is simply a superb idea by l’Auberge des Trois Pucelles near Grenoble and our partners Thierry André FOUCHER and WSI Belledonne Digital Strategies. They have an iPad at the cash-register with their reviews page pre-loaded in the browser. As customers wait to complete payment, staff members ask if they’d like to leave a review. A few moments later that review is live on their site and on their Facebook Page too.
LouderVoice SEO Add-On Now Available for Expression Engine
Many of our clients on PHP platforms like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal have long benefited from our SEO Add-On.
All of our Packages provide Google Juice and Star Ratings in Search results to client sites via our review Hub, LouderYou. The advantage of this approach is ease of deployment. Our code can be added in seconds to a web-page and reviews are then live. Those reviews are indexed on our hub within hours.
LouderVoice joins forces with US Leaders in Social Solutions for Food Services Industry
We are more than a little pleased to announce this.
American + Ireland Social Media Leaders Join Forces
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: San Jose, CA; Austin, TX; and Cork, Ireland: July 3, 2012 – Three Social Media leaders have come together to offer a compelling solution for restaurants and foodservice companies, beginning in the US. of San Jose, CA, LouderVoice Reviews of Cork, Ireland, and Restaurant Domain of Austin, TX, can now provide a complete online Social solution to the food industry.
The hospitality industry is embracing customer reviews with LouderVoice
We were very interested to see an MSNBC article on how hotels are embracing online customer reviews. It matches our own experience, as our reviewing solutions are proving a major hit with businesses in the hospitality and travel sectors everywhere. We have seen a string of deployments in UK, Ireland, France and the US in recent months.
As part of this growth, we’re delighted to announce that we have have just gone live with the Dalata Group’s 11 Maldron and 14 partner hotels in Ireland.
LouderVoice and WSI team-up to Power Social Media and Social Reviews for UK SMEs
LouderVoice and WSI have been working together globally since early 2011. We have now joined forces to offer a compelling Social solution for SMEs in the UK.
Online marketing is an ever-moving target and it can be hard for SMEs to feel on top of everything. To solve this, WSI’s offerings and LouderVoice’s Social Reviews are now available as an off-the-shelf solution that is optimised for the UK. Every business can have their online presence live and social-powered with almost no effort.
LouderVoice Reviews SEO Add-On for ASP.NET just released
One of the most common requests we get from partners and customers is to have the same reviews SEO functionality on ASP.NET as they do for PHP and WordPress sites. And we’re delighted to say that this is now available.
All of our Packages provide Google Juice and Star Ratings in Search results to client sites via our review Hub, LouderYou. The advantage of this approach is ease of deployment. Our code can be added in seconds to a web-page and reviews are then live. Those reviews are indexed on our hub within hours.
Word of Mouth Still Most Trusted Resource Says Nielsen
Nielsen’s latest Global Trust in Advertising report, which surveyed more than 28,000 Internet respondents in 56 countries, shows that 92% of people trust recommendations from friends and family, followed closely by 70% trusting online reviews.
Here are the highlight stats. Read the great piece about it over on Social Commerce Today.
We’ve been in the reviews business for quite a few years so we’re not remotely surprised by this data. But our experience over the past 12 months is that small businesses are now realising the importance of reviews and adding customer reviews solutions to their sites and Facebook. This is as true in rural Ireland as it is in Del Mar California.
LouderVoice è ora disponibile in italiano
Vista la grande richiesta da parte dei nostri partners in italia ed in Svizzera, LouderVoice è ora disponibile in italiano.
Come in ogni nostra assistenza in lingua straniera, ciò include sia l’esperienza dell’utente finale che la gestione delle recensioni da parte delle imprese.
Naturalmente anche tutte le nostre integrazioni con i social networks funzionano perfettamente in italiano, fornendo la completa esperienza della recensione sia sul vostro sito che su Facebook.
LouderVoice Reviews Plugin for WordPress now available
More and more sites are moving to WordPress as their platform. We have long been WP users and all of our sites are built on it.
The LouderVoice reviews system has always supported WordPress sites but we recently decided to make it even easier to deploy on them.
The new LouderVoice Reviews plug-in is now available and included in the price of all of our Packages. With a few quick clicks, you can install the plug-in and configure reviews for one or more pages on any WP site.
LouderVoice now available in French
Due to ongoing strong demand both in France and Canada, LouderVoice is now available fully localised to French.
As with Spanish and Russian, this includes both the entire end-user experience and the review management back-end for businesses.
Of course all of our powerful Social integrations work seamlessly in French too and provide the full 360 degree view from reviews on a businesses site to reviews on Facebook and back again.
LouderVoice Now Available in Spanish and Russian
Our development team have been hard at work this summer building a ton of new features for LouderVoice. The first fruits of their labour is the full front-end and back-end localisation of the service. We’ve always been internationalised but now our clients and their customers can use every part of LouderVoice in their own native language.
The first two languages that are available right now are Spanish and Russian with French coming soon. If you have a requirement for any other language, just let us know.
Harnessing Customer Feedback
The Enterprise Ireland eBusiness Live Newsletter interviewed me about the value of capturing customer feedback, both positive and negative. Enjoy!
5 Myths About Customer Reviews and The Wild Web – TMG
The power of Twitter to connect people has proven itself yet again. Ann Donnelly of O’Mahony Donnelly E-Business, down the road in Clonakilty, pointed us to an article by TMG Custom Media in Washington DC. A few tweets later and we were having an email exchange with Andrew Hanelly in TMG.
The result is a great Q&A over on TMG about the 5 Myths of Customer Reviews. We think it deals with the number one issue that still stops people from adding reviews to their site – fear.
Audio of Conor’s Talk at IIA Retail Event
My talk on customer reviews at the IIA’s “8 More Ways to Sell Even More Stuff” event seemed to go down very well.
Judge for yourself. Hopefully you’ll find it useful.
Speaking at IIA’s “8 More Ways to Sell Even More Stuff”
The IIA is running a follow-up to their very successful retail event late last year. Called “8 More Ways to Sell Even More Stuff“, it’s all about selling online and multi-channel.
The focus this time is “Content and Analysis” and therefore it’s no surprise that LouderVoice will be there talking about Social Commerce and how you can power that with Social-enabled Customer Reviews. No serious online business can ignore what their customers are saying about them and we’ll show just how easy it is to benefit from those conversations.
Riverdance Steps Out with LouderVoice
To describe Riverdance as a global entertainment phenomenon is to undersell it. Over the past sixteen years, millions of people have seen the show in places ranging from Sligo to Shanghai.
The Riverdance team decided to go with a totally new site towards the end of 2010 and the result is an absolute triumph. When they contacted us about powering the reviews for them, we couldn’t have been more excited. We quickly deployed our Social Commerce Reviews solution on the site and you can now review both the overall experience and every individual show. Of course we have Facebook and Twitter baked in so everyone can get the message out about how much they love Riverdance.
LouderVoice in Ireland Demozone at Le Web
It’s that time of the year again! LouderVoice has been at Le Web every year since 2006. Back then, it was just some ideas and a very basic Alpha, this time we are part of the Irish Pavilion.
Enterprise Ireland has put together a unique Demozone at Le Web. 11 hot Irish start-ups including LouderVoice will be there. A single place where we can meet, have a coffee and show you what we do. This is the first time a country has exhibited at Le Web and we are honoured to be part of it.
Great e-commerce stats round up from Econsultancy
Lots of very interesting headline stats about e-commerce over on the Econsultancy site. It appears that the prediction of the first online Christmas (50p in the £) by 2015 is well on its way to coming true.
IMRG predicts that £6.4bn will be spent online in December 2010, up from £5.5bn last year. Total online spending for 2010 is predicted to reach £57,8bn, compared with £49.8bn in 2009.
Think LouderVoice should win a Europa Award?
The Europas, the TechCrunch Europe Awards for European tech companies, will be held on November 19 in London. Entrants will be voted on by the industry and these results will guide a subsequent voting round from The Europas Advisory Board of experts.
LouderVoice is listed in the “Best Business or Enterprise Startup 2010” Category. If you think we deserve the award, why not head over to the site and cast your vote. There are lots of great companies in the other categories too!
LouderVoice a finalist in the Irish Web Awards
Who doesn’t love being nominated for an award, particularly when it’s in the innovation category? We’re in the final 5 of the Irish Web Awards Most Innovative Website and we’re smugger than the smuggest company in Smugtown.
The awards are on this Saturday in the Mansion House. Go now to the list of finalists in all categories and don’t just read the list, click through on all the ones you don’t know.
LouderVoice Exhibiting at The Hotel Website Marketing Conference
Last year’s Hotel Website Marketing Conference was a superb event. I spoke on the value of customer reviews but I learned 10x that from the other speakers on all of the online marketing (and other) challenges/opportunities being faced by hotels.
Ciarán and the team have outdone themselves this year with the speaker line-up. As we just couldn’t miss it, we’ve decided to exhibit there too. Keep an eye out for the LouderVoice stand and pop over for a chat. We can tell you how these businesses and others in the the hospitality industry are benefiting from customer reviews and how your hotel could too.
LouderVoice Reviews on Facebook Pages
We have just added a new Facebook capability for all of our customers. They can now show all their latest reviews in a dedicated “Our Reviews” tab on their Facebook Page. Whilst our Facebook Connect implementation has always given reviewers the ability to post their reviews to their personal wall, this new feature enables our clients to showcase their reviews from all their products and services in one place.
Now a simple review written on a client’s site or submitted by SMS can appear on their Facebook Page within minutes, building confidence and guiding others who want to know more about that business. Fundamentally it’s about selling by word of mouth.
12 Statistics on Consumer Reviews
There is a fantastic block of stats about consumer reviews over on Search Engine People. If you are wondering why this is such a strong growth area, wonder no longer!
A few of their gems:
- 90% of online consumers trust recommendations from people they know; 70% trust unknown users, 27% trust experts, 14% trust advertising, 8% trust celebrities (Econsultancy, July 2009, Erik Qualman, Socialnomics)
- 70% consult reviews or ratings before purchasing (BusinessWeek, Oct. 2008)
- 7 in 10 who read reviews share them with friends, family & colleagues thus amplifying their impact (Deloitte & Touche, Sept. 2007)
- 45% say they are influenced a fair amount or a great deal by reviews on social sites from people they follow (46% say reviews in newspaper or magazine influence them.) (Harris Poll, April 2010)
Thanks to Richard Hearne, SEO god from Red Cardinal for the link.
Fastnet Line Cork-Swansea Ferry on-board with LouderVoice
Business books will be written about the amazing story of the new Fastnet Line Ferry to Ireland. This much needed service operating from Swansea to Cork is proving to be a major success for the region. So you can imagine our excitement at LouderVoice becoming part of this story by powering the customer reviews on their site.
Whilst reviews are important for any business, their importance to new businesses cannot be under-estimated. The response from travellers has been phenomenal since reviews were turned on last week. The unique direct feedback has enabled Fastnet Line to immediately discover what is working very well and what can potentially be changed or improved.
Win LouderVoice FREE for One Year
Head on over to Krishna De’s site to learn how you can get the LouderVoice Standard Package (normally €49+VAT per month) for free for a whole year!
Having customer reviews on your site has moved from nice-to-have or cutting-edge to something you simply must have to compete online.
Parcel2Ship Reviews Powered by LouderVoice
We are often asked what types of business are most suited to reviews. Our answer is “all of them”! LouderVoice recently went live with a UK site called Parcel2Ship which offers a brilliantly simple but powerful service. They have aggregated all the parcel and document delivery services so that you just enter a destination and package size and they show you all the options and prices available.
If only we had known about the service when we were going to Internet World in London in May! We bounced from site to site to site trying to find the best price/delivery combination. Parcel2Ship would have saved us hours of effort and stress.
West Cork Hotel now using LouderVoice Reviews
The hospitality industry is a big focus for LouderVoice at the moment. Hotels have long led the way in their use of technology to grow sales and build stronger relationships with their customers.
West Cork Hotel is based in Skibbereen in Co Cork and has been doing an amazing job with revamping every aspect of the business and then getting that message out to the world through Facebook and Twitter.
Redeeming the Internet World Special Offer
If you picked up one of our special Internet World show-offer flyers last week in Earl’s Court, you can easily sign-up with us now.
Just fill out this form here and quote the discount code and we’ll get you setup at the reduced rate.
LouderVoice 1,2,3 Video
Want to know what LouderVoice can do for your business? Got 2 minutes? Watch this speedy screencast by Karl Llewellyn, our Head of Sales, to get all the important facts.
LouderVoice 1,2,3 from Conor O’Neill on Vimeo.
LouderVoice Sponsoring Wireless Lounge at Internet World
The Internet World show is on in Earl’s Court, London, from April 27th to 29th and LouderVoice will be there in force.
As sole sponsors of the Wireless Lounge, you’ll need to talk to us if you want a decent free wifi connection! We’re on Stand E1060.
Despite the volcano, a massive crowd is expected for the show, as in previous years. Whether you are interested in e-commerce, digital marketing, social media, content management or any aspect of operating online, this is the UK show to attend.
LouderVoice shortlisted in IIA Net Visionary Awards
This is the kind of news we love to get on a sunny Monday morning in West Cork. We have been shortlisted in the Innovation Category of the Irish Internet Association Net Visionary Awards. If you think we deserve the award then why not head over and vote? Don’t forget all the other categories too, lots of fantastic companies and people in there.
Karl Llewellyn appointed Head of Sales for LouderVoice
Those of you who have followed LouderVoice over the past few years have probably noticed that things have changed a lot in the last few months. All of those changes have been for the better and much of it is due to Karl Llewellyn, our new Head of Sales.
Karl is responsible for driving our new partner strategy and recruiting web professionals as partners so they can offer LouderVoice to their customers. Loudervoice already has customers internationally, but partners are a key part of our formal launch into the UK this year.
Ireland’s Review & Rate Solutions Company to Pay €35,000 to Web Partners
We have just launched a new partner program paying out substantial commission and bonus payments to web professionals, developers and marketers that refer customers.
LouderVoice is Ireland’s largest and longest standing provider of Review & Rate (R&R) solutions to e-businesses. These solutions give customers the ability to post reviews of a products or services on the website they bought from. R&R tools are seen by market analysts as one of the most important tools for any website serious about online business*.
Klipsch USA Pumps Up The Volume with LouderVoice
We really are jumping up and down with excitement to finally announce that LouderVoice’s first US client went live just before Le Web recently. Klipsch USA now has the LouderVoice customer review system across the entire web-site.
For those in Europe not familiar with this legendary US brand, it had defined high-end audio since 1946 and is adored by audiophiles everywhere.
Honourable Mention in Top Ten International Web Products of 2009 on RWW
Jolie O’Dell just did the Top Ten International Web Products of 2009 on the always brilliant ReadWriteWeb.
We didn’t make the Top Ten yet but that’s OK, we’ll be there in 2010 🙂
What we did make was the Honourable Mentions list!
The only Irish web company to do so.
The Golden Spiders award was national recognition for what we’ve been doing this year and now this is global.
To be in the same story as Spotify, Moshi Monsters, Tweetmeme and all the others is a real honour.
2010 The Year of Real-Time Reviews? has released its list of 10 Crucial Consumer Trends of 2010.
At Number 3 is Real-Time Reviews
Sometimes we’re just a tiny bit ahead of the trends here in LouderVoice HQ:
That’s why @review is LouderVoice!
Luckebox launches. Not your granny’s gift boxes
We’ve been working with the Luckebox team for the past few months and they have impressed the socks off us with their plans. As of today, they have now fully launched.
What do they do? Gift boxes, lots of them, all full of awesomeness. Not rubbish cheese or stale puddings but stuff you actually want!
Each box contains a particular mix of things at a massive discount over retail prices. They include:
Hotel Website Marketing Event
Yesterday I attended the excellent Hotel Website Marketing event in Dublin organised by Proactiv Marketing. It was a real highlight of 2009 for me with fantastic speaker after fantastic speaker. I walked away with a ton of to-dos for LouderVoice.
I spoke on the benefit of on-site customer reviews for hotels. The core message was that you can grow on-site sales, reduce online ad spend and improve your customer service by adding reviews to your site.
LouderVoice BES 2009 (Business Expansion Scheme)
The LouderVoice customer reviews system for business has moved into high-gear in 2009. Clients are deploying our EasyReview widget on their e-commerce sites every week. Our first US customer will go live this month along with many more Irish sites. Our second UK site will go live early in the new year.
The most recent research by Internet Retailer tells you everything you need to know about how important reviews are to businesses.
Customer Reviews on your site in 5 minutes?
Yes you can! Renowned SEO expert Richard Hearne of Red Cardinal did exactly that this afternoon with the LouderVoice EasyReview system.
Think you can beat him?
LittleQuiz this week is about LouderVoice
The brilliant LittleQuiz site runs a different quiz each week with some fantastic prizes which could be yours by answering three simple questions. This week those questions are about LouderVoice. Head on over and you could be in with a chance to win a mobile phone and call credit.
If you are a business looking for simple effective promotional opportunities, I can highly recommend talking to Joe Scanlon who runs the site.
LouderVoice Reviews on Fitzgerald Group Hotels
We’ve spent the past few months in LouderVoice creating Version 2 of our review widget and have been quietly rolling it out on sites since early August. In our humble opinion, it is the best widget-based reviews solution on the market globally. Not only can it be implemented on most sites in under 10 minutes, it is also fully Facebook and Twitter enabled and can be easily styled to blend seamlessly into your site
Citylocal Cork Reviews on LouderVoice
We’ve always been impressed with the Citylocal franchise which was built by Nazir Daud in the UK. Paul Brugger launched the Cork site last year and it has been growing at an amazing rate. CityLocal Cork is a Business Directory and community website that provides local information on Businesses, News, Events, Free Ads, Property and Cinema listings.
Visitors to Citylocal often leave reviews of the businesses they find there. We are now aggregating those reviews into our system, adding to the already powerful SEO mojo of Citylocal. By doing this, Citylocal’s customers will now see their reviews appearing on, on Google Android mobile phones and shared by users to Facebook and a multitude of other social networking sites. In every case, the reviews point back to their Citylocal presence.
Love Facebook? Love LouderVoice?
Then why not become a fan of LouderVoice over on Facebook. We’re thinking of calling it LouderFace 🙂

You’ll get all our latest updates (but not too many!) and you can tell us what you think of each new release.
Consumer reviews and personal recommendations are as important as trusted brand reviews for Internet consumers
We’ve seen it growing year by year but the latest Nielsen research really drives it home. There is a great piece about it over on Computerworld.
Consumer reviews and personal recommendations are as important as trusted brand reviews for Internet consumers.
The Nielsen survey, the largest of its kind, shows that 90 percent of Internet consumers worldwide trust recommendations from people they know, while 70 percent trust consumer opinions posted online.
LouderVoice at Facebook Garage Ireland 2
We had a fantastic time at the second Irish Facebook Garage in Dublin on Thursday. A packed room of approx 150 people with a wide range of backgrounds heard 5 speakers cover a variety of topics over the space of 2.5 hours.
There will be full coverage including video and all the PPTs available over on Web2Ireland at some point next week. In the meantime, here are some screenshots of Conor’s live demo of the LouderVoice reviews widget + Facebook Connect in action. This widget will be formally launched in the next week or so.
LouderVoice nominated in The Europas
We’re absolutely delighted to be nominated in the inaugural Europa Awards in the category of Best Web Application or Service (EMEA). The Europas are the Techcrunch Europe technology innovation awards for European tech companies and the ceremony will be held on July 9 in London. Public voting is now open in all categories.
Major congratulations also go to Joe Drumgoole of Putplace who is nominated in the Best Startup Founder(s) (EMEA) category (Vote here) and Decisions for Heroes which is nominated in the Best Social Innovation (which benefits society, EMEA) category. (Vote here).
LouderVoice Podcast interview by Krishna De
Krishna De of Biz Growth Live did an extended interview with CEO Conor all about ratings and reviews. If you want to hear a lot of valuable information about why reviews make sense for your business, have a listen.
Thanks Krishna!
Ultra Simple Mini-Reviews on Twitter
LouderVoice was the first reviews company to realise the importance of Twitter. That’s why we’re the people behind @review which we launched in June 2007.
Since then we’ve played and tweaked mini-reviews based on user feedback.
Following more research we realised that many people were doing mini-reviews using the simple method of just adding #review on to the end of the tweet. This was also the preferred approach in our recent poll.
LouderVoice Reviews for Google Android
Yesterday evening we uploaded the first public beta of our Google Android mobile application to the Android Market.

This is the first Irish Android application and one of the very first reviewing applications on the platform.
You’ll have to patiently wait for the launches of the HTC Magic and Samsung I7500 before  most Irish people can try it out. Anyone living in countries where Android is already live can install it now.
Bubble Brothers goes live with the new LouderVoice Reviews Widget
We’re pleased as punch to announce that our brand new customer reviews widget has just gone live on the Bubble Brothers wine site. Julian, their Wine 2.0 guru, has always been at the forefront of social media adoption and the addition of our widget complements all of their other online activities beautifully.
The key thing about the widget is the ease of implementation. One line of code was added to the Bubble Brothers product page template (they use Ecommerce Templates for their site), a few minor logo tweaks later and they were up and running. No development on their side and just some quick colour/size adjustments by us. That’s all it takes to review-enable an entire site!
Internet shoppers rate recommendations and user reviews over price
The LouderVoice customer reviews service is getting a lot of attention from businesses who are looking for ways to retain customers and grow sales in these difficult times.
So the latest research from Avail Intellingence comes as no surprise to us. InternetRetailing reports that the research shows over a third (36%) of respondents rated peer opinions such as recommendations, reviews and customer generated wish lists as the most useful aspect of an Internet-shopping site.
Updated LouderVoice WordPress Plugin
We have two bits of news about our LouderVoice plug-in. The first is that it is now WordPress 2.7 compatible and the second is that we have moved the hosting over to This means that from now on, when we update it, you’ll see a notification in your WordPress Admin Panel.
Apart from the 2.7 compatibility change, the only other major feature is that you can opt to have all the contextual information about the review, including the stars, at the end of the text. Full instructions in the readme.
LouderVoice in 2008
We’ve had a fantastic year in LouderVoice and it looks like 2009 is going to be even better with a raft of new releases in the next few months. Looking back over last year we achieved the following:
- In January we launched Flag Tag reviewing which enabled any blogger to have their blog reviews collected by LouderVoice with two simple tags on a post.
- We also added Twitter/SMS/Jaiku hashtag support
- In February we sponsored the Best Blog Post in the Irish Blog Awards
- In March we did our first major revamp with LouderVoice V2 adding on-site reviews and a ton of other features.
- We also launched V2 of our WordPress Plugin. (Updated Plugin for WP 2.7 coming very soon!)
- We spent from April to October busy fixing bugs and building our B2B offering
- In July we started using Get Satisfaction for Customer support. Don’t hesitate to add bug reports or feature requests there.
- In September we launched Simple SMS reviews requiring just a single keyword
- We were also Shortlisted in the Irish Web Awards
- In October we launched LouderVoice for Business to great attention
- We were also shortlisted in the Irish Software Association Awards
- And we kicked off our BES 2008 Offering for Irish Investors
- In November, our first B2B client, Klipsch, went live
- In December we successfully closed a BES investment round which will ensure our continued success through 2009
Competition Winner Week 3
The third winner in the Three competition on The Right Hook has been announced on George’s radio show. It is SarahMc from Waterford who wrote a review of a very interesting device called the Scansound Unilateral Stereo Headphone. This sends both stereo channels into one earpiece for people who are deaf in one ear. Fantastic device and really informative review from Sarah!
One of the prize phones from Three and Custom-1 headphones from Klipsch will shortly be on their way to her.
Attending Le Web
Conor, the LouderVoice CEO, is attending his third Le Web conference in Paris this week. He’d love to meet with other start-ups, tech journalists and the European investment community. He’ll be on +353-87-9790297 from Monday evening to Thursday morning and a French Maxroam number (TBD) from Tuesday morning.

Competition Winner Week 1
The first winner in the Three competition on The Right Hook has been announced on George’s radio show. It is Snowgirl from Thurles who wrote [The first winner in the Three competition on The Right Hook has been announced on George’s radio show. It is Snowgirl from Thurles who wrote]2 of the Sony Ericsson C905 phone. Our favourite line in the review was: “a camera that can call people”.
Three Ireland Competition Launches
Three Ireland Reviewing Competition
Three Ireland in conjunction with Newstalk Radio, Klipsch and LouderVoice have just launched a reviewing competition for listeners in Ireland of George Hook on the Right Hook Radio Show.
Each week for the next four weeks, the best reviewer can win a Three Ireland handset plus Klipsch Custom-1 headphones. You can send reviews by SMS or write them directly here on the site
The Prizes
Click on the thumbnails for full information on each prize.
Mashable Open Web Awards
If you like what we are doing on LouderVoice, why not vote for us in the Mashable Open Web Awards? You can do it below.
Don’t forget to vote for all your favourite Irish WebApps, many of which can be found over at goes live
We are incredibly happy to announce that Klipsch has just launched its UK specific site. Not only are they selling amazing audio equipment but the reviews there are powered by LouderVoice.
When you are investing £1000 in a sub-woofer, you want to be sure you are picking the right one. Reviews by other customers can help you make that decision. The Klipsch guys understand that those reviews are a win-win for everyone.
LouderVoice in the press
Some nice mentions of LouderVoice yesterday:
Irish Times article by John Collins
BES article by Caroline Madden
Silicon Republic article by John Kennedy
Web2Ireland article by Fergus Burns
Investment Opportunities in LouderVoice
For Irish taxpayers, we have just kicked off our BES 2008 offering which is built around the LouderVoice B2B Services. The Business Expansion Scheme provides a way to invest in approved businesses and receive tax-relief on that investment.
If you are interested in hearing more about this investment opportunity or discussing direct equity investment, please contact Conor O’Neill on conor AT loudervoice DOT com or +353-87-9790297.
In summary:
- B2C launched May 2007
- B2B launched October 2008
- Irish Web Awards 2008 Best New Web Service Nominee
- Irish Software Association New Company Award 2008 Nominee
- Participant in the Genesis Enterprise Programme 2008
- Enterprise Ireland Grant Funding as High Potential Start-Up in 2007
- Existing BES Investment in 2007
- New investor funds to be used to grow and market the service Europe-wide
- Revenue Approved Scheme
- Tax Relief available for 2008
- Defined exit mechanism
LouderVoice short-listed for Irish Web Awards
If we were excited to be on the long-list, we’re utterly gobsmacked to be shortlisted for best new Web Application/Service in the Irish Web Awards. It’s not just that we’re in the shortlist, look at the awesome apps we are in with:
- Bookmeetingroom – I only wrote about this great app recently on Web2Ireland
- PollDaddy – I use this ALL the time. One of my fave webapps ever.ÂÂ
- Twitterfone – Not just dead useful, one of the most beautiful web-site designs of 2008.
- Decisions for Heroes – Read this. That’s them that is. Utter brilliance.
Announcing Simple SMS Reviews
We kicked off SMS reviewing last year using the same structured message format which we devised for Twitter and Jaiku. Whilst it suits a lot of our users, particularly those who want their reviews to appear instantly, many others felt that the structure was overly complex.
Based on this user feedback, we are now launching Simple SMS Reviews. The idea here is that you send your review to the same number as before (+353-87-9409325 or +44-778-6205133), you begin your SMS with the keyword “Re” and then the remainder of the SMS is your review in whatever style you like.
LouderVoice on The Right Hook
Conor is on The Right Hook radio show this evening on Newstalk with Joe Drumgoole from PutPlace. He’ll be talking about the LouderVoice service in general and kicking off an SMS reviews push in conjunction with the show. You can listen live on the web here.

As part of this, we are launching our Simple SMS Review service. There’ll be more detail in the next post but the key point is that unlike the existing service, no structure is required on your reviews. We also provide custom keywords for our business clients and partners.
Taste of Cork Competition Winner
The results are in and the winner of the gorgeous Spicendipity BBQ Hamper is Katie Murphy from Cork. Congratulations Katie, the hamper is on its way from Tullamore right now. Her review of TOC matched our own experiences perfectly.
Win a Gift Hamper for Taste of Cork Reviews
The Taste of Cork Food Festival is coming this weekend in the deep south of Ireland. There will by myriad stands offering food and beverages to sample including lots of famous Munster Artisan producers.
We’re partnering with several of the exhibitors including Ummera and Bubble Brothers to encourage those who attend to review both the event and the individual stands. Reviews can be submitted by any of the usual methods but SMS seems the most appropriate. Keep an eye out for our flyers on the stands.
LouderVoice now supported on Profilactic
Profilactic has been doing Lifestreaming longer than most.
It’s a site where you pull in your profiles from all your social sites like Twitter/Jaiku/Pownce/Bebo/MySpace etc so that your aggregated activity online is visible from one place. It currently supports 186 different social sites and we’re thrilled that they have just added LouderVoice.
Once you’ve signed up for an account, you just have to provide your LouderVoice username for them to pull in the titles of your reviews into your Profilactic lifestream.
New version of LouderVoice WordPress Plug-in
Many thanks to Loud Reviewer Frank Prendergast for spotting a bug in our WordPress plug-in. This bug prevented users from setting review posts to publish in the future. The bug has now been fixed and the updated plug-in is available here.
You’ve probably noticed how quiet we’ve been on the blog. Not only have we been fixing a lot of small bugs on the site that crept in with the Version2 launch but we’re been working hard on building our API. This will enable other sites to embed our reviewing functionality on their pages. We’ll be going live very shortly with the first partner on this. This XML API is accessible directly, using a PHP library or using a JS library (with more coming soon). If this is something you’d like to hear more about, please contact conor AT loudervoice DOT com. We’re putting together some information pages on it at the moment too.
Another competition winner
We closed the first phase of the reviews competition a few weeks ago but we were so blown away by the review by Alx Cahiz of the stunning Dervish Longboard that we had to give him a prize.
This wasn’t just review of the week, I think it was review of the month! Looking forward to seeing what else he comes up with. It should also be said that TeamGearedUp is one of the best blogs out there about outdoor sports and activities.
LouderVoice WordPress Plug-in Version 2
We’ve been promising it forever and now we’re finally ready to unveil the all-new LouderVoice WordPress plug-in V2.0. This enables you to write reviews on your blog using an open standard called hReview. Sites like LouderVoice can then index and interpret them more intelligently than raw blog-posts.
The new plug-in is a total re-write based on lots of user feedback and, in particular, some fantastic suggestions and guidance from Robin Blandford.
What is LouderVoice V2 all about?
We quietly launched V2 of our LouderVoice on the night before the Irish Blog Awards and have been tweaking for a few weeks. There is a lot more to come but we thought it’d be good to let you know what has changed now since we have a few more announcements coming in the next few days.
The main aim with V2 was to make the activity on the site much more visible to the users and provide more opportunities to interact with others on the site. The most obvious change (apart from the very sexy re-design by Doepud) in that area is that all of the latest/best reviews are visible on every page you visit. We have also added the ability to follow other reviewers so that all of their activity is visible on your logged-in home page on the site.
Chips in Tipp
Bernie Goldbach, well known blogger/journalist/lecturer/consultant got some teenagers to recommend chippers in Tipperary by SMS. We now have 7 of the top Chips in Tipp on LouderVoice. What’s your favourite?
LouderVoice Version 2 is very very close
We’ve been working round the clock to get the next version of LouderVoice out the door. We are within a hair’s breadth now! What can you expect to see?
- A big redesign with a much busier home page to enable you to explore the site more easily
- Reviews and comments in-site so you no longer need a blog to write full reviews
- Review images
- Instant sign-up
- Instant sign-up via SMS
- Community features enabling you to follow other users and see their activity on the site
- Avatar images
- Review Drafts
- A new voting system
- Major improvements to tag navigation
- Basic support for Google Maps
- A faster search back-end
- And a ton of other under the hood improvements
Keep an eye out, we know you’re going to like it.
Today is Wine Blogging Wednesday
We hope you have your bottle of Italian Red ready. The challenge is to write a review of it in just seven words! All the details on how to send your review to LouderVoice are here. Leave a comment if you have any questions.
Newspaper Coverage
We were delighted to get two pieces on LouderVoice in the Irish Examiner newspaper recently. On Friday Feb 1st, Bernie Goldbach did a great column focused on mini-reviewing which he re-posted on his blog.
Then on Monday 4th, Dan MacCarthy published an extensive interview with Conor the LouderVoice CEO. As there is no online copy, I have uploaded a scan of it. Apologies for the roughness of the scan and for not OCRing it. The photograph is by Denis Minihane. Click on picture to see high-res original.
Fourth Competition Winner
The fourth week of the competition (and final week of this phase) is over and we can now announce the winner of a Hairy Baby t-shirt.
Congratulations to Ciarán Rooney, an Irish guy living in London, who wins with his complimentary review of phone customer support. The review, which he wrote on Jaiku, currently tops Google for “Aer Lingus Support”.
Keep an eye out for the next competition phase which we should be announcing shortly.
Going to 3GSM? Live Review it!
Pat Phelan from Cubic Telecom came up with the great idea of getting attendees to review what catches their eye at 3GSM in Barcelona from Feb 11th to 14th. So if you are going, we’d love to get your insights via any of the review methods we support. Just follow these easy steps:
- Sign-up to LouderVoice if you haven’t already
- In “My Settings” add as many of these sources as you like:
- Mobile phone number for SMS reviews
- Twitter/Jaiku/Pownce accounts for microblog mini-reviews
- Blog RSS feed for Flag Tag Reviews
- Then you send reviews as follows:
On your mobile/cell (Review Rating1-5 ItemName: Opinion. #3gsm):
Third Competition Winner
The third week of the competition is over and we can now announce the winner of a Hairy Baby t-shirt.
Laurence Veale from Dublin in Ireland wins with his sharp Twitter review of the western “3.10 to Yuma”. As with all the winners, it looks like Lar’s Google juice is strong.
Easy Blog Reviews with Flag Tags
The approach we have taken with reviews on blogs until now has been built around a standard called hreview. Many bloggers are a fan of this portable format and we continue to support it strongly. But we have received many requests for something more lightweight which still enables people to get their reviews into LouderVoice but takes much less effort.
After trying a variety of approaches we have settled on something we are calling Flag Tags (thanks to Frank Prendergast for coining this). The idea is simple. If you are writing a blog post that is a review, you need to ensure three very basic things:
Second Competition Winner
The second week of the competition is over and we can now announce the winner of a Hairy Baby t-shirt.
Mark Twomey from Cork in Ireland wins with his hilarious review of the Gillette Fusion Power razor. As with last week’s winner, Mark is vying for top spot on Well done Mark. His review of Sweeney Todd is pure genius too!
As before, get your reviews in by any of the methods we support and you win a funky t-shirt with a logo like this: