LouderVoice Reviews for Google Android
By Conor O’Neill
Yesterday evening we uploaded the first public beta of our Google Android mobile application to the Android Market.

This is the first Irish Android application and one of the very first reviewing applications on the platform.
You’ll have to patiently wait for the launches of the HTC Magic and Samsung I7500 before  most Irish people can try it out. Anyone living in countries where Android is already live can install it now.
If you aren’t familiar with Android, it is a new mobile platform created by Google and about to be launched on a plethora of phones by most of the major manufacturers. The first phone, the HTC G1, was launched in the US and UK initially and the HTC Magic is currently being launched in many European countries.
Our application is all about writing and finding reviews when you are out and about with your Android phone. It makes full use of cell-tower location and GPS to give you the reviews you need for where you are now.

In addition to finding reviews written on our www site and Android, you can also browse/search reviews from our partners and clients. That includes reviews of many of Roomex‘s 20,000 hotels, Puddleducks outdoor gear, Klipsch audio products and Bubble Brothers wines.

The application is also available in white-label OEM form and would be an ideal pre-install for many networks!
We’d like to thank our development partners in this release. Marino Software in Dublin did the Android work and we recommend them to anyone for both Android and iPhone development. Yazzgoth in Cork continues to do a great job building out our API and business services using their expertise in Python and Django. Note that the Android App uses the same API available to our business customers and shows just how powerful it is.
If you have an Android phone, we’d love to hear what you think. You can find it as “LouderVoice Reviews” in the Lifestyle section of the Market on your phone.
If you don’t have an Android phone, trust us, you’re going to want one, it’s a fantastic system, particularly if you use GMail, GCal, GTalk etc. This will be the biggest mobile platform ever released.
In the meantime, if you want to have a look at our application in action, you should check-out the fantastic video review that Cathal Garvey made of it yesterday. Thanks Cathal! We’ll upload some screencasts of our own next week too.