A bunch of identity tasks completed
By Conor O’Neill
We’ve had LouderVoice.com since the name was decided. BTW feel free to comment on the name, we purposely avoided the current obsession with madey-up nonsense names and went with something descriptive. Since then I’ve added the usual bunch of .org, .net, .co.uk and even .biz because GoDaddy were doing dirt cheap deals.
Of course .ie had to be just that bit more difficult and had to wait until we fulfilled one of the criteria. We achieved this today by successfully registering LOUDERVOICE as a business name with the CRO for €20. I was pleasantly surprised to get notification that we now have loudervoice.ie a few short hours after we purchased it over at Blacknight.
One thing we never did in any previous start-up was to register the name as a Trademark. But after Ryan Carson talked about this in his “How to build a WebApp” workshop, I made sure to do it this time. It is still being processed but should be through reasonably soon.
These are all small little admin tasks but they do help create a sense of identity for the company. I was thrilled to do a demo of the prototype to a potential investor yesterday and have our branding getting out and about.
UPDATE 1: Just as an FYI for anyone else in Ireland starting out on this path, you register a business name with the CRO but you register Trademarks with the Patent Office.